AI Studio

Our students are ready to build real-world AI and Machine Learning solutions. What will you challenge them to do?

AI Studio is the experiential learning component of Break Through Tech AI. The program provides any undergraduate student (with a focus on Black, Latino/a, Indigenous, and low-income women and non-binary students) with the skills and experience they need to get jobs in data science, machine learning, and AI.

During Fall AI Studio, teams of 4-5 students are matched with a real-world Machine Learning Challenge Project from one of our industry partners. Each team receives guidance from a Challenge Advisor from their host company, as they apply what they’ve learned about building data analysis pipelines and training and validating ML models to their project. AI Studio helps students build their portfolio toward launching a career in tech while expanding peer and professional networks and honing teamwork and technical skills.

We are looking for Industry Partners to provide real-world ML Challenge Projects for teams of Break Through Tech AI students to work on from August to December. 

Hosting an AI Studio Challenge Project is an opportunity for your organization to share what you do, hear fresh perspectives, and get early access to recruit from a pool of talented and diverse CS/STEM majors in your region – all while providing your employees with a high-impact DEI volunteering and leadership development opportunity through serving as a Challenge Advisor.

Watch this short video from our Bridge to Studio event in August in New York City:


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Read this article in the New York Times describing Break Through Tech AI

Still have questions about AI Studio?


AI Challenge Examples

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Ready to be a partner?

Build your talent pipeline and give students the resume credentials and real-world experience they need to land a summer internship or job in tech.

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